How to remove a TF from a ROS bag?
I have a bag that contains a large TF tree where one TF (base_link->virtual_cam) was calculated based on several TFs and parameters. I would like to replay this bag without this generated TF in...
View Articletf: Adding a frame to transforms from the past
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the usage of tf and hope someone can help me answer it. The problem setup is the following: Imaging I have a robot with defined base_frame and I send the robots...
View ArticleSimple tf transform without broadcaster/listener
I have a vision based control application, where a drone is flying around, finds a visual marker, extracts the coordinates of the visual marker in **body frame coordinates** and finally flies to the...
View ArticleVisual SLAM and coordinate frames for a mobile robot
[ROS Kinetic, Ubuntu 16.04] Hello again. I followed tf tutorials, read REP103, REP105 and still having trouble setting coordinate systems for my mapping robot properly. I get `map->camera_optical`...
View Articlepointcloud2 transform c++/python
running kinetic, ubuntu 16.04, gazebo 7, sawyer simulator with intera 5.2, kinect/openni camera warning: i am very new to ROS, C++ and Python. trying to transform a point cloud (type `PointCloud2`,...
View Article"right_arm_base_link" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does...
ros kinetic, ubuntu 16.04, gazebo 7, intera 5.2 (for sawyer robot), kinect camera in simulation. trying to transform pointcloud from kinect frame to base from of a sawyer robot. i've coded for this...
View Articlestatic_transform_publisher acting weird when giving tranlation and rotation both
I am playing a rosbag containing pointclouds on ros kinetic. I need to set the tf so that it is at a decent location to the [Panda robot]( for some task. The following is...
View ArticleNav Stack: one map for AMCL and one for move_base?
I need to run AMCL and Movebase from two different maps as there are many locations in an outdoor map that the robot would get stuck in gravel, rocks, bushes, etc that are below the level of the laser...
View ArticleShould tf frames exist at all times?
I am interested to know from the authors of TF if the nodes/joints in a tf tree are expected to exist during all the time the robot is up and running? As an example: using tf to spawn new joints (for...
View Articletf2 gimbal lock
Hi! I need to rotate a point around another point. This is dynamic so there aren't any frames associated that can be published to use the normal tf2 functionality. What I'm doing is translation to...
View ArticleGoogle Cartographer TF
I'm reading the documentation and I'm unsure how to make the TF. Am I understanding this right? "Note that Cartographer’s ROS integration uses tf2, thus all frame IDs are expected to contain only a...
View ArticleNo transform from [base_link] to frame [map]
Followed this [TF ROS tutorial]( **Incurred error:** ![Global](/media/golluri/$h@r@th/Projects/UV sterilization robot/Project...
View Articledo i need to build a base frame
in tutorial, there's a base frame called 'world', I wonder whether this base frame is defined by the system, or i need to build it in some way? i mean, if I want to define a transform from a base...
View ArticleProblems with tf
I'm trying to use google cartographer and in order to I have to build a tf. I didn't fully understand the idea of tf. I have a robot and a laser. I constructed the tf like here...
View ArticleTF Listener
I want to create a class tf_listener. I'm using a laser, so the node for the laser data already exists. I looked at some tutorials and saw that they are using pointstamped. But my laser publishes with...
View ArticleHow to transform laserscan messages
I have a laser and I want to tranform with tf. Its message type is LaserScanner but I don't know how to do it. Do you have an example how to solve it?
View ArticleWhy is inverse transform tf so wrong?
While trying to get the base_link footprint of the robot in utm coordinates, we discovered hughe jumps in the utm position. But in the simulation, the real change was only in the millimeter range. We...
View ArticleIm trying to transform a pointcloud (rotation along z) using the following...
#include #include #include #include void callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud_msg) { ROS_INFO("Message recieved:"); //msg to c string Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 =...
View Articlehow to fix very low frame publish rate of turtlebot
Hi all, I'm trying to use moveit it to control a turtlebot arm mounted on turtlebot. When I run my moveit.launch file, there's always a transform error: [ERROR] [1543219008.768123467]: Transform error:...
View ArticleHow to setup tf frame for /laser_scan msg to display in rviz
I have setup my laser properly, able to display a topic called laser_scan, However when i display it on rviz, there was no visual display, despite having receiving messages and with no error received....
View ArticleRotate the coordinates of IMU
Hey, I'm using a imu but the problem is that the coordinate frame is wrong. y/roll is pointing to north, x/pitch is pointing to east and z is down. But I have to rotate it 180° to the positive side by...
View ArticleAruco Detection: operating the inverse of the Pose results in strange value...
Hello, i'm currently detecting the ArUco Marker with the help of the ros_aruco package. The detection works perfectly, i assume. by doing: `$ rostopic echo /aruco_single/pose` we obtain header: seq: 14...
View ArticleTransform camera frame to 3D point
Hi all, I am work on kitti dataset. How can transform detected object over camera frame to 3D point cloud coordinate ? Thanks in advance!
View ArticleSetting up a pure GPS IMU flying camera system
I am trying to setup a camera system that will log its position. The system will be passive, and is attached to an airplane. The system has a GPS sensor as well as an IMU. I want to use transforms to...
View Article`tf static_transform_publisher` removes link instead of linking two tf trees
When using `static_transform_publisher`, attempting to link to coordinate systems via a common frame the publisher removes the link from one tree and places it in the other. This happens both with `tf`...
View Articletf2 sendTransform() not actually sending anything
I'm trying to send a transformation from "world" to "base_link" based on coordinates I get from a different node. The node is actually running, and it is reaching the ROS_INFO() right before the...
View ArticleUse transformation from another node
Hi everyone, I am trying to use frames that have been already created in another node in my node to do a transformation from a plan to another, but it seems that I have missed a step because then my...
View ArticleWheels have no transform to base_link - Real robot
Hello, I'm trying to bring up my robot and everything is set up except from the wheels. Meaning that when I open Rviz everything is in place except from the 4 wheels that do not have a transform to...
View ArticleRviz use last tf (transform) message for creating visualization
I have a map frame, a camera frame and a robot frame. The transform between map frame and the camera frame is fixed and gets published occasionally, ~10 seconds irregular intervals. The transform...
View Articleamcl not publishing map -> odom under different namespace
Hello, I'm attempting to setup a pair of turtlebots that can run simultaneously, and in order to do so, they need to run their nodes on different namespaces while both subscribing to a shared /map...
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