I'm trying to bring up my robot and everything is set up except from the wheels. Meaning that when I open Rviz everything is in place except from the 4 wheels that do not have a transform to the base_link.
So my robot has a diff-drive base with 4 wheels with a UR5 arm on top. My bring up launch file launches:
- UR5 driver compatible with ros_control
- 4-wheel base driver, not compatible with ros_control
- URDF model which is correctly parsed
- robot_state_publisher
- controllers (that I used in simulation and worked): JointStateController, JointTrajectoryController (for the arm) and DiffDriveController (for the wheels)
I am guessing the problem is related to the fact that the base driver I am using is not compatible with ros_control. Is there any other way to solve this besides creating a specific Hardware Interface?