Rotate the coordinates of IMU
Hey, I'm using a imu but the problem is that the coordinate frame is wrong. y/roll is pointing to north, x/pitch is pointing to east and z is down. But I have to rotate it 180° to the positive side by...
View ArticleAruco Detection: operating the inverse of the Pose results in strange value...
Hello, i'm currently detecting the ArUco Marker with the help of the ros_aruco package. The detection works perfectly, i assume. by doing: `$ rostopic echo /aruco_single/pose` we obtain header: seq: 14...
View ArticleTransform camera frame to 3D point
Hi all, I am work on kitti dataset. How can transform detected object over camera frame to 3D point cloud coordinate ? Thanks in advance!
View ArticleSetting up a pure GPS IMU flying camera system
I am trying to setup a camera system that will log its position. The system will be passive, and is attached to an airplane. The system has a GPS sensor as well as an IMU. I want to use transforms to...
View Article`tf static_transform_publisher` removes link instead of linking two tf trees
When using `static_transform_publisher`, attempting to link to coordinate systems via a common frame the publisher removes the link from one tree and places it in the other. This happens both with `tf`...
View Articletf2 sendTransform() not actually sending anything
I'm trying to send a transformation from "world" to "base_link" based on coordinates I get from a different node. The node is actually running, and it is reaching the ROS_INFO() right before the...
View ArticleUse transformation from another node
Hi everyone, I am trying to use frames that have been already created in another node in my node to do a transformation from a plan to another, but it seems that I have missed a step because then my...
View ArticleWheels have no transform to base_link - Real robot
Hello, I'm trying to bring up my robot and everything is set up except from the wheels. Meaning that when I open Rviz everything is in place except from the 4 wheels that do not have a transform to...
View ArticleRviz use last tf (transform) message for creating visualization
I have a map frame, a camera frame and a robot frame. The transform between map frame and the camera frame is fixed and gets published occasionally, ~10 seconds irregular intervals. The transform...
View Articleamcl not publishing map -> odom under different namespace
Hello, I'm attempting to setup a pair of turtlebots that can run simultaneously, and in order to do so, they need to run their nodes on different namespaces while both subscribing to a shared /map...
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